
Automatic Speedrun Upload Protocol



  • All communication to the server must take place over HTTP POST

  • All responses from the server must be JSON encoded

  • All parameters should be lowercase

  • All responses must include a "result" parameter where “success” or “failure” is set, depending on the type of response

    • If the response if "failure", a “message” must be included in the response that tells the client why it failed
  • All responses that have data should pass that data back in a variable in the JSON called "data"

  • All requests to the server must have a "type" parameter that tells the server what kind of request it is

    • Current paremeters are
      • submitrun
      • categories
      • verifylogin
      • gamelist
      • gamecategories
      • worldrecord


  • Both the "username" and the “password” must be submitted on all requests that require authentication so no authentication is stored in the client.

    • The client can store the fields locally if it so chooses, that’s up to the client developer to decide.


  • The client sends a request to the server with a specific parameter (type=categories)

  • The server responds with an array of key/value pairs. The key is what the server want’s in return, the value is what the client should display

    • EG, if we have id’s for categories, the value would be the label (Ocarina of Time Any %) and the key would be the id ( 54 ).


  • See categories with "type=gamelist" instead

World Records

  • The client sends a request to the server with type=worldrecord

    • required params:
      • category: The category to get the record for
  • The server responds with an array with a name, time and "isAccurate" parameters.

  • isAccurate is set to a truthy value if the server believes the time sent is the current world record, else it's set to a falsy value.


  • The client sends a request to the server with a set of values that the server then handles however it wants.

    • Required: "runtime", “category”, “username”, “password”, “type”

      • type=submitrun

      • Time format: hh:mm:ss.mmm

    • Optional: "version", “region”, “comment”, “video”

  • The server must respond to requests, not just insert/handle them.


Verify Login:

    type: verifylogin, 
	username: "user1", 

which returns either

	result: success 


    result: fail, 
    message: "Invalid login info"

Submit Time:

    username: "user1", 
    password: "12345", 
    game: "smw", 
    category: "96 Exit", 
    version: "SNES NTSC", 
    runtime: "01:29:59",
    comment: "Good run",
    splits: [00:15:23, 00:41:34, 01:13:53, 01:29:59] 

which returns either

	result: success


	result: fail, 
	message: "Error message"	

Game list: {type:gamelist} Returns a list with the key as whatever unique key the server uses, and the name as the value

	result: success, 
	data: {
		mm1: "Megaman 1", 
		smw: "Super Mario World"


	result: fail, 
	message: "error message"

Game category list: {type:gamecategories, game:smw} Returns a list with the key as whatever unique key the server uses, and the description as the value

	result: success, 
	data: {
		1: "96 Exit", 
		2: "any%"


	result: fail, 
	message: "error message"


  • Should we have the client detect if a site supports it? Maybe just a meta tag on the start page with an url to the submission endpoint?

Known endpoints





Test page A simple test page to simulate HTTP POST requests