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Like stack hoogle, but works for cabal projects. Generates hoogle database of your local packages and all dependencies.


git clone
cd cabal-hoogle
cabal install exe:cabal-hoogle



Within your project, run:

cabal-hoogle generate

This generates a hoogle database for all the local packages and their dependencies.

You may specify targets, like below:

cabal-hoogle generate exe:haskell-language-server hls-code-range-plugin

See Cabal Docs for target syntax

Run Hoogle

With cabal-hoogle run --, extra arguments are passed directly to hoogle.

You may start an http server like this:

cabal-hoogle run -- server --local --port 9000

Or directly search in command line like this:

cabal-hoogle run -- search catMaybes

More Options

Run cabal-hoogle --help to see more options.