
Useful resources for creating apps with Electron (formerly atom-shell)

Awesome Electron

Useful resources for creating apps with Electron (formerly atom-shell)

Inspired by the awesome list thing. You might also like awesome-nodejs.

Example apps

Some good apps written with Electron.

Open Source

  • Atom - Code editor.
  • Nuclide - Unified IDE.
  • Playback - Video player.
  • Friends - P2P chat.
  • Kitematic - Docker container management.
  • Monu - Process monitoring.
  • ScreenCat - Screen sharing & remote collaboration.
  • Gulp - Run Gulp tasks from the menubar.
  • Imagemin - Minify images.
  • Mapbox Studio - Map designer.
  • LevelUI - LevelDB management.
  • Kart - Frontend for RetroArch.
  • Douban-FM-Express - DoubanFM client.
  • Cuttle - UI for the ClojureScript compiler.
  • Vmd - Preview Markdown files.
  • Kyoku - Displays current iTunes song.
  • GReader - Collect and read offline readme files of GitHub repos.
  • Sample apps - Various sample apps.
  • Koko - IRC client.
  • Leanote - Cloud notepad.
  • Snapper - Screen capturing & recording for Android devices.
  • Gitify - GitHub Notifications on your menu bar.
  • Colonizers - "Catan" inspired board game.
  • Cumulus - SoundCloud player in your menubar.
  • We Build SG - Upcoming events & recently updated repos from webuild.sg.
  • Piglet - Run Grunt tasks from the menubar.

Closed Source




  • titlebar - Emulate the OS X window titlebar.
  • chrome-tabs - Chrome like tabs.
  • menubar - High-level way to create a menubar app.
  • cookies - Adds support for document.cookie.
  • window - Easily create windows, pass arguments to renderer, and manage global window references.





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To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.