
Model serving on cloud for EV station occupancy prediction (SKT FLY AI project)

Primary LanguagePython

EV Charger Station Occupancy Prediction Model API

The required input features are as follows.


  • Station id : dims = (1,)
  • number of chargers(slow/fast) : dims = (2,)
  • supply capacity : dims = (1,)
  • location of station(lat/lon) : dims = (2,)
  • average of taxi trip of road link within 500m radius : dims = (1,)
  • proportion of road type within 500m radius(4 road type) : dims = (4,)
  • proportion of district type within 500m radius(5 district type) : dims = (5,)


  • Realtime Sequence : dims = (12, 1)
  • Historical Sequence : dims = (4, 1)


  • (Time Index, day of week, weekday) : dims = (3,)

Outputs are as follows.

  • Occupancy_20, 40, 60, 120 / continuous : dims = (4, 1)

Original Repo: https://github.com/easttuna/ev-charger-occupancy-prediction

How to

Clone git repo on EC2:

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
git clone https://github.com/hwangpeng-sam/model-serving.git

Run shell script files to build docker image:

cd model-serving
sh setting4build.sh
sh image_build.sh

After setting aws configure, run the shell script file to push image:
(Modify region, Elastic Container Registry!)

sh image_push.sh

After create aws lambda function, connect your DB (by creating your private.db_info and inserting values into table)
Lastly, create test event as belows.
( lambda function configuration: Memory(2048 MB), Runtime(1m) )

event = {}