Supports calculations with add/sub/mul/div/exp/rem and parenthesis and several scientific operations.
The implementation made usage of Jetpack Compose for Desktop as UI library and BetterParse as the parsing library.
Instead of implementation using double stack, which requires coding in imperative mode, I have used the approach of parser combinator which makes code more declarative and functional. In this way, the calculator is just something that remembers the user's input into a store, and evaluate it at the moment the calculate button is pressed and put everything onto the screen.
The error handling was done via the usage of Result class, I have taken it from the book The Joy of Kotlin. However, the presentation of errors isn't great due to the limit of Compose for Desktop (no banner, the dialog window will not wrap to the length of text, etc)
Besides, the components aren't adaptive at the vertical level, you might need to drag and drop the window to resize its height to fit the components.
- Language
- Kotlin
- UI
- Jetpack Compose
- Core Logic
- Better Parse
- BigMath
- If a calculation has encountered exception, the result will recorded as 0 in history
- Looks like the switch for deg/rad is not working at all
- Non auto-adaptive layout
- And lots of other bugs...