
Git and github enhancements to git.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Git and github enhancements to git.


  • git (tested with version 2.30.x)
  • python 3.11


In order to install git-gifi please do the following (usage of virutalevn is recommend):

pip install git-gifi
# if you prefer to gifi via set of git aliases, then
gifi install



Concept of queue comes from Mercurial Queues. However this implementation is much simplier (git stash based). You can push (with gifi push) your commit on the queue (into git stash) and then pop (with git pop) it from the queue to your workspace.


It is a simplified version of gitflow. It is well suited to the case where you and your team work always on the same branch called master (no develop branch). For each feature you create a feature branch wich then is merged into master. Releases are just tagged commits in master.

git feature-start new_feature
git add new_feature.code
git commit  -m 'new feature commit message'
git feature-publish
# after code review
git feature-finish

Note that in case you have no permission to push into target-remote and somebody merged your commit to target-remote, then you may want to use just feature-discard to clean your working-remote.


To use github integration you need to authoriize first (obtain an access token):

git github-authorize

Note that authorization information are stored per repository. Thanks to that it is possible to work with different github providers like github.com or github enterprise. However, if you have multiple repositories on the same github providers then you won't be able to authenticate git-gifi again, as it is already authenticated for different reposotiry but same github provider. In that case you need to go to your github profile settings, copy git-gifi access token and us it in below command:

git github-configure

Pull request

With git github-request you can post a new pull request from current branch. It is required that branch is not 'master' and it is already pushed. In order to create a pull request during git feature-publish, please do git feature-configure first and enable pull request creation.

Epics - working with forked project or with long lasting feature branches

This section is particularly useful in case you are working on a forked project (you/Project) and you want to create pull requests in project you forked from (they/Project). So to make git-gifi be able to create pull request you have to have both projects remotes added to your repositiory. Then you can use git epic-add to add a remote/branch on with which you are going to work with, then every time you do git feature-start, you will be asked to select an epic (remote/branch) on which your new feature will based on and against which you will create a pull request.

git epic-add origin/release-1.x
git feature-start new_feature
git add new_feature.code
git commit  -m 'new feature commit message'
git feature-publish
# after code review
git feature-finish