websock-poc parent module.

  1. Requires Java 7 and Wildfly 8 installed and JBOSS_HOME env variable set to the root folder of the Wildfly 8 installation. Arquillian picks this location when running integration tests.

  2. Consists of these children modules :

    a.      /common (contains common classes used in other modules, such as constants file and a sample ClientEndPoint implementation)

    b. /webapp (contains Web Sockets Web Application (producing websock-webapp.war as its final artifact) and unit tests for the Server and Client End Points) c. /wildfly (contains Wildfly 8-related stuff, including deployment of the websock-webapp.war into it and integration tests using Arquillian) d. /jetty (contains Jetty 9-related stuff, including deployment of the websock-webapp.war into it and integration tests using Arquillian)

  3. Build and run unit and integration tests with typical :

    $ mvn clean install

    which should build everything, including running unit and server-side integration tests.
  4. To deploy the websock-webapp.war and manually test via browser

    a. build websock-webapp.war, start Servlet Container and deploy websock-webapp.war into the Container

    	i.	(fast method) use below handy either :
                I.  WildFly Maven Plugin one liner (which downloads, extracts, and installs Wildfly 8 for you the very first time
                you run below command under /webapp/target/wildfly-run/wildfly-8.0.0.CR1) which builds /webapp/target/websock-webapp.war, 
                starts up Wildfly 8, and deploys /webapp/target/websock-webapp.war into it
                $ cd webapp
                $ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true wildfly:run -Dwildfly.version=8.0.0.CR1 
                II. Jetty Maven Plugin one liner (which downloads, extracts, and installs Jetty 9 for you the very first time
                you run below command which builds /webapp/target/websock-webapp.war, starts up Jetty 9, and deploys 
                /webapp/target/websock-webapp.war into it
                $ cd webapp
                $ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true jetty:run-war 
    ii.	(slower method)	
    	1.	compile /webapp sub-module that builds /webapp/target/websock-webapp.war
    	$ cd webapp
    	$ mvn clean install
    	2.	start your favorite Servlet Container (Undertow/Wildfly, Jetty, Tomcat, etc.)
    	3.	copy /webapp/target/websock-webapp.war into Servlet Container's deployment folder; confirm via logs that it has been deployed

    b. test via browser

    i.	open your favorite browser and navigate to
    ii.	enter text into textfield and press Send Web Socket Data button; observe that server returns same message you entered
    appended with "_server"	(on the line after Received from server:) below textfield for each text you entered