Simple aiohttp-based project

This project is created with education purpose: get practice experience with aiohttp.

Used python 3.5+ (3.7), postgres 11.


  1. Create and activate virtual environment:
$ virualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install requirements:
(venv)$ pip install  -r requirements.text
  1. Create database and database user:
$ psql -U postgres -h localhost
> CREATE DATABASE aiohttp_company;
> CREATE USER aiohttp_company WITH PASSWORD 'aiohttp_company';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE aiohttp_company TO aiohttp_company;


For start project:

(venv)$ python common/
Run tests
(venv)$ pytest -vs
Check code style
(venv)$ flake8