Company with personal account

Example of some company with personal account. SPA.

Backend part :

  • API - Django rest framework, django 2.1, python 3.6;
  • Database - postgres 9.6;

Frontend part :

  • Angular 6 (typescript);
  • Webpack - I used webpack for converting all angular part to few js files for my template;


  1. Preaparing for database. Use postgres 9.6
~$ sudo -u postgres psql

create database trash;
create user trash with password trash;
grant all privileges on database trash to trash;

Note: you can choose DB password, user etc in trash/ in dictionary DATABASES.

  1. Apply all migrations to database:
~$ python migrate

Frontend part

Requirements: npm, webpack.

Frontend is created with angular 6. Frontend working directory is frontend_angular.

With webpack files from frontend_angular convert to js into staicfiles. Can change in webpack.conf.js.

Open frontend_angular and run:

  • npm install - will create node_modules directory in frontend_angular;
  • webpack or npm run build - will create few js files in directory staticfiles
Test API

Testing via Django.

~$ python test