

Thanks to Li Liang's help. The best result of my pytorch model is 0.783 ODS F-score now.


The result of my pytorch model will be released in the future

Method ODS F-score on BSDS500 dataset
RCF-PointRend 0.807
RCF 0.806


Install pytorch. The code is tested under 11.6 cuda version and Python 3.9 on Ubuntu 20.04. There are also some dependencies for a few Python libraries for data processing and visualizations like cv2 etc. It's highly recommended that you have access to GPUs.


Image edge detection

To train a RCF-PointRend model on BSDS500:

    python train_RCF_PointRend.py

To resume the training on BSDS500:

python train_RCF_PointRend.py --checkpoint '[.pth file]'

If you have multiple GPUs on your machine, you can also run the multi-GPU version training:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python train_multi_gpu.py --num_gpus 2
