
Get all PRs in last 7 days for a given repository and sends a email containing a list to a given address

Primary LanguageRust


Uses the GitHub API to retrieve a summary of all opened, closed, and in draft pull requests in the last week for a given repository and send a summary email to a configurable email address.

Building The Project

Rust is required to compile the project. Use the following link to install it if you want to build the project locally: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

To build the project in debug mode, run:

cargo build

You'll find the binary in ./target/debug/pr-weekly

To build a release, use:

cargo build --release

You'll find the binary in ./target/release/pr-weekly

Running the Project

Use --help outut as a reference for command line arguments:

./target/release/pr-weekly --help
Command args

Usage: pr-weekly [OPTIONS] --repo <REPO> --github-api-endpoint <GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT> --github-api-token <GITHUB_API_TOKEN> --send-to <SEND_TO> --from <FROM> --smtp-host <SMTP_HOST> --smtp-user <SMTP_USER> --smtp-pass <SMTP_PASS>

  -r, --repo <REPO>
          Github repository to watch [env: REPO=rails/kolach]
      --github-api-endpoint <GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT>
          [env: GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT=https://api.github.com/graphql]
      --github-api-token <GITHUB_API_TOKEN>
          [env: GITHUB_API_TOKEN=6da2cb9e1cead68c55eb2319a5faf619fd24033f]
  -s, --send-to <SEND_TO>
          Email address to send report [env: SEND_TO=chikolad@gmail.com]
  -f, --from <FROM>
          Email is sent from [env: FROM=Nikolay Chistyakov <nick@codewire.tech>]
      --smtp-host <SMTP_HOST>
          SMTP host [env: SMTP_HOST=sandbox.smtp.mailtrap.io]
      --smtp-port <SMTP_PORT>
          SMTP port [env: SMTP_PORT=2525] [default: 2525]
      --smtp-user <SMTP_USER>
          SMTP credentials user [env: SMTP_USER=9c4a48aa66e652]
      --smtp-pass <SMTP_PASS>
          SMTP credencials pass [env: SMTP_PASS=b2a9416a823c93]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

To facilitate running the application, all command line arguments can be retrieved from environment variables. For example, --repo is REPO env var, and --smtp-host will be taken from SMTP_HOST. Use .env file for convenience. The example file is in the root of the project (.example.env) and can serve you as a template. Just copy it into .env and add your values.

Suppose all SMTP and GitHub settings are stored in .env file; it's trivial to run the app:

./target/release/pr-weekly -r rails/rails -s johndoe@gmail.com

SMTP Provide Configuration

You'll need working SMTP provider configuration for the app to send emails. I used Mailtrap (https://mailtrap.io/) service for testing and Postmark (https://postmarkapp.com/) for production usage.