This is a simple parser for CREMUL payment transaction files written in Ruby. It parses the CREMUL file and creates a Ruby object structure corresponding to the elements in the file.
The parser is currently not a complete parser for all kinds of CREMUl files, but is being developed further as needed in an ongoing project for a Norwegian customer.
Here are som useful references regarding the CREMUL file format:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'cremul-parser'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install cremul-parser
require 'cremul_parser'
f =<CREMUL-file>)
parser =
or if the file is not utf-8 encoded
f =<CREMUL-file>)
parser =
parser.parse(f, <encoding>) # for instance 'ISO-8859-1'
A file may contain one or more Cremul messages. A Cremul message consists of 'message segments'. Each segment starts with a Cremul keyword. A group of segments make up a logical element of the Cremul message. The overall logical structure of a Cremul file is as follows:
[ Cremul file ] 1 --- * [ Cremul message ] 1 --- * [ Line ] 1 --- * [ Payment TX ]
See the parser_test.rb
file for more details.
Copyright (c) 2014 Per Spilling ( See LICENSE.txt for details.