Sample app code?
AndroidDeveloperLB opened this issue · 6 comments
Can you please put a sample of how to use the library?
I know it's very easy to make it, but I think that every library should offer a sample.
Here's a sample code, if anyone wants to check out:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
public class SettingsActivity extends ActionBarActivity
public class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment
public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState)
protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState)
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(,new SettingsFragment()).commit();
<PreferenceCategory android:title="PreferenceCategory" >
android:title="CheckBoxPreference" />
As someone not that familiar with fragments (I'm in the process of porting an old app from Action Bar Sherlock activities to ActionBarActivities with fragments), this was actually really helpful. Thanks.
@gstorer I've also made a library that doesn't require you to use a fragment for the preferences, if you wish:
I have a question:
This PreferenceFragment implementation can by used in a such scheme:
- as replacement for preHoneycomb PreferenceActivity enabling adding the same functionality inside ActionBarActivity (with ActionBar) like Preference Fragment -> Preference Screens, but without enabling usage of android PreferenceActivity -> Preference Headers + Preference Fragments -> Preference Screens
or - it could be used in conjunction with Android PreferenceActivity class postHoneycomb where this Activity provide preference header and associated Prefrence Fragments can be implemented with this android-support-v4-preferencefragment and it will provide preference screens... but if so what with Preference Activity on pre-honycomb, what I know there is only one Preference Activity class so on pre-honycomb it will not provider preference headers/action bard and so on ?
Please clarify scheme of use that works on pre-Honycomb and post-Honeycomb:
- it enables implementing only as this replacement for pre-Honycomb PreferenceActivity scheme
or - more sophisticated usage as post-Honeycomb with PreferenceActivity -> Preference Headers
@michzio Sadly, it's just the simple usage. no headers and such, as they weren't introduced on pre-Honeycomb, and the support library doesn't have those...
@michzio If you wish, you can check out my library that adds actionBar for PreferenceActivity:
A similar thing can be done here.