- 0
#25 opened by Janiyahgocrazy1 - 1
Listeners are not working?
#23 opened by jbrulmans - 0
cannot work with ListPreference
#24 opened by microcian - 25
Push lib to Maven Central/jCenter
#13 opened by davidvavra - 1
Plugin is too old
#19 opened by erbinlim - 2
Big indents on Android L
#15 opened by ilwsm - 9
Not work with RingtonePreference
#1 opened by MiguelAngelLV - 2
not working with Preference Headers
#9 opened by agrajaghh - 6
Sample app code?
#4 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 0
- 0
Can you add a license statement in your
#20 opened by uDevel - 1
NoClassDefFoundError R$layout
#16 opened by fbrier - 9
blank fragment
#18 opened by fanno - 0
findPreference return null in api 10
#12 opened by sku4 - 1
Context menu items are the wrong color when using a app theme besides Theme.AppCompat
#8 opened by wseemann - 2
Put it on Maven Central
#5 opened by Nutomic - 3
Memory leak when using soft keyboard
#7 opened by firebear