
Small python program select tree and change it using curses standard library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Small python program select tree (and change) it using curses standard library.

Working OS

  • Linux Terminal
  • Mac Terminal

Screen shot



In virtualenv,

(python) $ pip install treesel

or just for system python interpreter,

$ sudo pip install treesel


$ treesel $HOME

will show directory tree structure from $HOME. If first parameter is omitted then treesel will show directory tree structure from current directory.

if -s or --show_hidden option is given hidden directory will be showen, default is not show hidden directory.

For example,

$ treesel -s


  • UP, DOWN - navigation between directories
  • RIGHT - expand sub-directories
  • LEFT - unexpand
  • ENTER - select the directory
  • ESC - cancel treesel

How to change directory

$ cd "$(treesel -s $HOME)"

If you are using bash then use pushd insread of cd.

$ pushd "$(treesel -s $HOME)"

After working at that directory you can just popd to return original directory.

$ popd

Practical use

You can add a alias at your home profile, $(HOME)/.bashrc or $(HOME)/.bash_profile.

tree_select() {
    pushd "$(treesel $@)"
alias ts=tree_select

And to work this alias make sure,

$ source ~/.bashrc

In the long run,

$ ts
$ ts ~

I will be happy if you are happy!


Now python curses standard library does not support UTF-8 encoding. Please let me know If someone know how to solve this problem.