
Primary LanguageJavaScript

IT Academy Schedule

ITASchedule is a project that is designed to replace the existing software for IT Academy schedule management. Application allows students to look up the schedule of IT Academy training centers and provides teachers and administrators necessary tools for managing groups, classes and events that are being held at the Academy.

Launching Server part in IDEA

Go to {project}/Server/src/main/resources/ and create application.properties with the following content:

  spring.datasource.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver  
  spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/{databaseName}  
  spring.datasource.username = {user}  
  spring.datasource.password = {password}  
  spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = create  
  spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect  

In IDEA, create run configuration for Maven: configure target directory to {project}/Server/ and goals to spring-boot:run.

Launching Client part in IDEA

Install Node.js:
- OSX (use homebrew): brew install node
- Windows (use chocolatey): choco install nodejs
Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo.
Install globally NPM packages: npm install -g bower gulp nodemon.
Go to {project}/Client/ directory and install dependency packages:
* npm install * bower install
In IDEA, create run configuration for Gulp.js: configure target directory to {project}/Client/ and goals to serve-dev.

Run Server instance in Docker container (Tested on Ubuntu 14.04)

Prerequisite: Docker runs on the same physical host as MySQL server.
Install Docker.
Go to {project}/Server/ directory (where pom.xml is located).
Build Docker image: mvn clean package docker:build.
Run the created image in container: docker run --rm --net=host itaschedule.
Now the project can be accessed at localhost:8080.