
Two arrays are given and it must be selected from each array one value which the sum of each other provides closest values of the budget

Primary LanguageJava

Santa's sleigh makeover

This code is part of the "Tech Challenge Series – Advent Calendar 2021" advanced by Blip.pt (developed by Devskiller).

This year counting down to Christmas will be even funnier and Blip will be by your side the whole time with a variety of small programming puzzles and lots of prizes!

Task description

For this Christmas Santa wants to upgrate his sleigh. He needs to improve both the sleigh runners and his magic bag holder.

There are several models of sleigh runners and magic bag holders which Santa can choose from.
The difference between the prices reflects the quality of the of the equipment.

But Santa is on a budget and he can't choose the best of both or he might need to wait to upgrade next year.

Can you help Santa optimize his purchase?

Function signature
getTotalSpent(int[] runners, int[] holders, int budget) returns int

Santa budget b = 100 List of sleigh runners runners = [60, 80, 100]
List of magic bag holders holders = [17, 19, 21]

In this case, Santa should choose 80 runner and 19 holder because 80 + 19 = 99 because it is the closest to his budget.
Choosing the 100 runner would not let him buy a holder.
choose 80 runner and 21 holder would be over budget.
choose 60 runner and 17 holder would not be the best fit because 60 + 17 = 77 and there is leftover money that could be spent on other upgrades.

In the case that the budget isn't enough, it should return -1.


  • Items list are between 1 and 1 000
  • Budget is between 1 and 1 000 000
  • The price of each item is in the inclusive range of the budget