Laravel Base

The base for CoreUI Bootstrap Admin Template

Laravel Base is a Laravel application that adds Core UI Bootstrap management templates to customize the project. Created with Laravel 9.x.



# clone the repo
$ git clone

# go into app's directory
$ cd laravel-base

# install app's dependencies
$ composer install

# install app's dependencies
$ npm install

If you choice to use MySQL

Copy file ".env.example", and change its name to ".env". Then in file ".env" complete this database configuration:

  • DB_HOST=
  • DB_PORT=3306
  • DB_DATABASE=laravel
  • DB_USERNAME=root

Next step

# in your app directory
# generate laravel APP_KEY
$ php artisan key:generate

# run database migration and seed (optional)
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

# generate mixing
$ npm run dev


# start local server
$ php artisan serve

# or to developer mode
$ npm run watch

Open your browser with address: localhost:8000