kolibril13's Following
- alexisthualFrance
- alonsosilvaallendeBell Labs
- benbovyGeorode
- BluePrintRandomUnknown Forces Game Studio
- BradyAJohnstonThe University of Western Australia
- carson-katri
- christian-hackyourshackHack Your Shack
- colliand@2i2c-org @crowdmark @pimsmath @callysto @bcdataca @UBCMath
- davidbrochart@QuantStack
- davidpomerenke@SocialChangeLab
- dennishansen@KnackTech
- drmichaeldouglassMichael Douglass
- ellisonbgAmazon Web Services
- Erioldoesdesignhttps://superbloom.design/
- hanazupan
- helenajamborFH Graubünden, Switzerland
- hendrikmakait@coiled
- hybridherbstNeedle and prefrontal cortex
- ibdafnaNetflix
- iplai
- jorisvandenbossche
- joshpollMIT
- jtpio@QuantStack @jupyter @jupyterlab @jupyterlite
- jupyterlab
- koaning@probabl-ai
- ManonMarchand@cds-astro
- MaxLenormand@fusedio
- pavelzw@quantco
- rgbkrkAnaconda
- scientific-python
- this-is-sofiaBerlin
- thu-vu92
- tlambert03Harvard Medical School
- wolfvprefix.dev GmbH
- yuvipanda@2i2c-org
- ZeitOnlineHamburg, Germany