Used to store any cryptographic information like passwords, key-phrases, senstive data.
Sample code
using (var client = new SecretsClient(provider, new ClientConfiguration()))
var response = await client.GetSecretBundle(getSecretBundleRequest);
// Retrieve value from the response.
Base64SecretBundleContentDetails secretIdValue = (Base64SecretBundleContentDetails)response.SecretBundle.SecretBundleContent;
Pre-requesite to use this sample
- Install visual code, link
- clone the repo
- Add below packages
dotnet add package OCI.DotNetSDK.Core
dotnet add package OCI.DotNetSDK.Identity
dotnet add package OCI.DotNetSDK.Secrets
Create a vault, key, secret in OCI.
Configure the OCI .net SDK link
note: config region and vault region should be same. How to run?
dotnet run
Reference sample code: