
Personal spend analytics, plus I build a model to predict spends category based on descriptions

Primary LanguagePython

I want to create an web app to turn my bank statement into spend analysis
also there is a button to predict spend categories.


streamlit App for spend analysis & interaction App

App url : https://kollerbud-monthly-budget-appapp-pcogau.streamlit.app/

Data Pipeline

  • Train:
    • Google sheets -> BigQuery -> Preprocessing & Encoding -> train model -> evaluation -> Deploy to Bucket, tracked by Vertex AI(Model Registry)
  • Deployment:
    • Model upload to GCP Bucket -> Cloud run using the latest model -> Make prediction

pipeline architect


Tech stack & Cloud services:

  • User input(me): Google_sheets
  • Serverless Container: Cloud Run
  • Data warehouse: BigQuery
  • Model registry VertexAI (Vertex AI--Model Registry)
  • Visualization: Streamlit
  • CI/CD: GCP--Cloud Build & GCP Vertex AI--Model Registry
  • local testing/deployment:
    • Container: docker
    • testing: pytest

note for my future self

  • CI/CD

    • Tried MLFlow, but deploy it on GCP was expensive (VM + SQL required)
    • deleting versions on Model Registry doesn't automatically delete the model in Cloud Bucket,
      so still need to manually deleting old versions of models in the Bucket
    • Still confused on Vertex AI artifacts
    • CloudRun Services Vs CloudRun Jobs vs Cloud Function:
      • Function is just cloud run without the docker part
      • Services do need an invoke point, so i do need to use Flask/FastAPI
        but then I get built in CI/CD option, definitely for more "requrests" type
      • Jobs don't need invoke point, but no built in CI/CD option, so i need to
        write manual github action yaml, also the way to deploy is literally held
        together by this person's pull request, google-github-actions/deploy-cloudrun#422
      • maybe dataflow could be good here? but I need to understand the cost and CI/CD workflow
  • Pipeline

    • using copy bank statements onto Google sheet, as I don't want to connect to a bank API (wasn't sure if that's possible)
      or deal with authentication/security issue
    • BigQuery is cheaper to use than CloudSQL, and probably a better choice anyways since this is analytics focused
    • something weird with google sheets to BigQuery, need to adjust
  • ML

    • over sampling was needed, I was able to bring the prediction accuracy from 90% -> 99%*(in training)
    • factory/strategy pattern was painful to write at first, but quite good when I have
      decided to refactor some components
  • Python

    • leave specific versions out, just do pip install -U
    • should look into setup.py to all necessary paths situated instead of init path files
  • GCP

    • BigQuery optimization: minium query size is 10mb, I need to find ways to reduce query requests calls
    • Write directly to BigQuery (streaming) has a cost of $0.01/200mb