Repository that helps me in presenting: good practices, risks, popular mistakes and proper configuration.

To start dev server

pnpm start -> go to http://localhost:8080/

To start tests

pnpm test

VSCode extensions

  • GOOD: Jest Runner, Jest Snippets
  • AVOID: Jest (makes VSC very slow)


  • src
    • components
      • componentFolder
        • componentFile.tsx
        • componentFile.test.tsx
    • utils
      • featureFolder
        • featureFile.ts
        • featureFile.test.ts

Important files

NOTE: you can define jest.config within package.json by putting it inside jest key, see: https://jestjs.io/docs/configuration

Config files


Config file as .js to make adding comments possible. Regular json files (e.g. package.json) don't allow comments. Some json (jsonc) files (e.g. tsconfig.json) allow comments but you can't easily recognize them thus using just .js is better.


Initial config && dependencies added automatically via npx eslint --init.

Config file as .js to make adding comments possible.

There are two eslint plugins just for testing purposes:

TypeScript reset

If you wondering what's reset.d.ts then see: https://github.com/total-typescript/ts-reset

TypeScript config

Based on @tsconfig/strictest - https://github.com/tsconfig/bases


https://medium.com/plain-and-simple/arrange-act-assert-vs-given-when-then-c22da421bf75 https://kentcdodds.com/blog/common-mistakes-with-react-testing-library#using-waitfor-to-wait-for-elements-that-can-be-queried-with-find https://kentcdodds.com/blog/avoid-nesting-when-youre-testing


Why pnpm?

Because it's significantly faster than npm or yarn: https://pnpm.io/

Why webpack?

Because it's a part of most popular testing setup when Jest is also used.

Why ts-jest?

To be able to use TypeScript in tests.

Why ts-node?

To be able to write (and thus validate) webpack config in TypeScript: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/configuration-languages/

Why ts-loader instead of babel-loader?

I don't need to support https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist in this project, so I can use TypeScript directly as shown in webpack docs: https://webpack.js.org/guides/typescript/