Exports Discord chat logs to a csv-file, then using that csv file for making name replacements.

This project is based on DiscordChatExporter.

Therefore it also requires a .NET Runtime which has to be installed manually.

Installing the python requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting required information

You need to get your Discord Token and a Channel ID to use this tool. Rename config.template.yaml to config.yaml and insert the Discord Token and Channel ID. This file is also responsible for the replacements pairs.

How to get the Discord Token

  1. Open Discord
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+I (⌥⌘I on macOS) to open developer tools
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+M (⇧⌘M) to toggle device toolbar
  4. Navigate to the Application tab
  5. On the left, expand Local Storage and select https꞉//
  6. Type token into the Filter box
  7. If the token key does not appear, press Ctrl+R (⌘R) to reload
  8. Copy the value of the token key Source

or this video

How to get the channel id

Receive the channel token in the browser version of discord.

Channel ID

Run the App


  • this will look in the config.yaml for the channelID to download the messages via the DiscordChatExporter

Run the App with a CSV-FILE

python --csv C:\my.csv

  • this will look at the specified path for the CSV file and replaces the names based on the config.yaml.