
CakePHP Configurations Plugin for easy Database managed site wide configurations

Primary LanguagePHP

#Configuration Plugin

The Configuration plugin is an extremely useful way to store site-wide configuration. The configuration plugin stores your configuration into your database and is made available throughout your site (views, controllers, models, tasks, etc...)

##About CakePhp 2.x Version: 1.1 Author: Nick Baker Email: nick@webtechnick.com Website: http://www.webtechnick.com Updates: http://www.webtechnick.com/blogs/view/223/CakePHP_Configuration_Plugin


  1. Copy the plugin files into /app/Plugin/Configuration

  2. run

     cake schema create --plugin Configuration

========================= Setup =========================

  1. Open up your app_controller.php file and add:

     public $uses = array('Configuration.Configuration');
     public function beforeFilter(){
     	//Load Configurations
     	$this->Configuration->load($prefix); //$prefix is 'CFG' by default
  2. Navigate to http://www.yoursite.com/admin/configuration/configurations

  3. Start adding configurations.

========================= Usage ========================= Whatever name/value pair you save in your configuration database, you'll have access to anywhere in your site via

Configure::read('[prefix].[name]'); //returns 'value';

========================= Example ========================= Say I have a configuration table like so:

ID|NAME_____|VALUE________________ 1 | email | nick@webtechnick.com 2 | name | Nick Baker

I could access this data anywhere in my app by simply using Configure::read([prefix].[name]); (Default prefix is 'CFG', but you can change it in your AppController.php).

In a view: $this->Html->link('Email ' . Configure::read('CFG.name'), 'mailto:' . Configure::read('CFG.email'));

In a controller: $this->Email->from = Configure::read('CFG.email');

In a model: $this->findByEmail(Configure::read('CFG.email');

You can get your entire Configuration table by not giving a name: Configure::read('CFG'); //return an associative array of your configuraitons database.