
Clojure client for IronCache http://www.iron.io

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Build Status codecov.io

IronCache Client Library for Clojure

A Clojure client for Iron Cache.



Clojars Project


compile "iron-cache:iron-cache:1.0.0"





Before you proceed with iron-cache client you have to set up your project and obtain OAuth token at Iron.io.


iron-cache client provides a set of actions that correspond to Iron Cache API endpoints.

Action Description
list Get a list of all caches in a project
info Get information about a cache
delete! Delete a cache and all items in it
clear! Delete all items in a cache. This cannot be undone
get Get a value stored in a key from a cache
put Put an item with specific data into a cache
incr Increments the numeric value of an item in a cache
del Delete a value from a cache stored at key


Client should be created with some configuration. Configuration is a simple map.

   :host "https://some.host" ; hostname of the Iron Cache service. Generally you do not want to specify it.
   :port 443 ; port of the Iron Cache service. Generally you do not want to specify it.
   :api_version 1 ; API version of the Iron Cache service. Generally you do not want to specify it.
   :parse-callbacks false ; If you want to use non-modified callbacks and manually parse response. See Async usage.
   :http-options {} ; A set of custom options for clj-http client. Optional.

   :project "foo" ; Project name. Required.
   :token "123-456-789" ; OAuth token. Required.

As you can see :project and :token are required. Without it client creation will throw an error. Optionally you can specify them in environment variables: IRON_CACHE_PROJECT and IRON_CACHE_TOKEN.


iron-cache client provides a variety of ways you can work with it. See below.

Basic usage

The preferred way of using iron-cache client is to instantiate a client (or a number of clients) and call functions on them.

The arguments to functions are:

  • Client instance - required
  • Cache name - required
  • Key name - for key operations
  • Data - map for key put, Numeric for key incr. See put and incr
  • Callbacks - map of :ok and :fail callbacks. See async

Keys and cache names can be either strings or keywords.

(require '[iron-cache.core :as ic])

(def client (ic/new-client {:project "bob-project", :token "123-456-789"}))
(def another-client (ic/new-client {:project "alice-project", :token "asdf-qwerty"}))

(ic/list client)
; ({:project_id "bob-project", :name "users"}, {:project_id "bob-project", :name "books"})

(ic/info client :books)
; {:size 85000}

(ic/delete! another-client "orders")
; {:msg "Deleted"}

(ic/clear! client :users)
; {:msg "Cleared"}

(ic/get another-client :users :john)
; {:cache "users", :key "john", :value {:name "John", :age 25}, :cas 12345}

(ic/put client :users :bob-id {:value {:name "Bob", :phone 555-89-78}, "expires_in" 456, :replace true})
; {:msg "Stored"}

(ic/incr another-client :salaries :bob-id 200)
; {:msg "Added", :value 700}

(ic/del client :users "Sally")
; {:msg "Deleted"}

For unsuccessful requests (other than those returning 2XX) you will get a map:

  :msg "Some description of the failure"
  :status 500

Global client

Alternatively you can initialize a global client and use all the functions with it implicitly. You should use iron-cache.global namespace for that.

(require '[iron-cache.global :as ic])

(init-client! {:project "amiga" :token "my-token"})

; ({:project_id "bob-project", :name "users"}, {:project_id "bob-project", :name "books"})

(ic/info :books)
; {:size 85000}

With macro

We provide a handy macro for working with a client: with-client. You should use iron-cache.global namespace for that.

(require '[iron-cache.global :as ic])

(ic/with-client {:project "amiga" :token "my-token"}
  (ic/get :users :john)
  (ic/get :users :marry)
  (ic/get :users :sally))


(require '[iron-cache.global :as ic])
(require '[iron-cache.core :refer [new-client]])

(def client (new-client {:project "bob-project", :token "123-456-789"}))

(ic/with-client client
  (ic/get :users :john)
  (ic/get :users :marry)
  (ic/get :users :sally))


All the calls are synchronous by nature. But, if you wish it's possible to make async calls simply by providing a map with :ok and :fail callbacks. At least one of them should be specified.

All the responses are processed before their result is passed to a callback so that results conform those of a synchronous calls. If you want to solely take response outputs and process them manually, set :parse-callbacks false in client's configuration.

(require '[iron-cache.core :as ic])

(def client (ic/new-client)) ; Project and token are taken from env
(def result (promise))

(ic/del client :sports :football {:ok #(deliver result %)
                                  :fail #(deliver result %)})
; some immediate other code here.
; ...
; and finally:


Client has unit and integration tests. You can run them simply as

lein test :unit             # only unit-tests
lein test :integration      # only integration tests
lein test                   # all the tests
lein cloverage              # run code-coverage report


Copyright © 2017 Egor Kolotaev.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.