Minimalistic playground to learn WebAssembly text format.



How to create new module

  • Create <module-name>.wat file in src folder with module.
  • Build this module.
  • Write js code that uses the module in build/<module-name>/script.js.
  • Launch ./build/index.html in browser. No need to start http-server.


Build all *.wat files:

> node build

Build only specific ones:

> node build module module2


Opcode token meaning
__ ;; single-line comment
__ (; ;) multi-line comment
0a module collection of functions
01 type declaration for functions is optional
03 func declaration with named index
05 memory declaration for memory index
07 export func from stack
60 param indexed (name is optional)
__ result accepts a type
40 __ pseudo type for block
02 block start block of code. May or my not return a value. (can accept a label?)
03 loop start block that can be used as a loop if you break from it. (can accept a label?)
0b end end block of code
0c br breack provided index of block (from end)
0d br_if breack if comparison was successful by provided index of block (from end)
0f return Is it optional?
20 local.get push on stack value of local variable by index
21 local.set set value of local variable by index using a value on the stack
22 local.tee set value from stack and put it back on stack (set without consuming)
28 load pop from stack index of memory and put on stack a value that's stored there
36 pop from stack index of memory and a value that will be stored there
7f i32 32 bit integer type
41 i32.const push constant value on stack
6a i32.add i32 i32 -> i32
6a i32.sub i32 i32 -> i32
69 i32.popcnt count bites = 1
4c i32.le_s less than or equal
4e i32.ge_s greater than or equal
a8 i32.trunc_s/f32 f32 -> i32 (i32.trunc_f32_s)
7e i64 64 bit float type
?? i64.eqz equal to zero
7d f32 32 bit float type
91 f32.sqrt sqrt
7c f64 64 bit float type
?? less than

Notes: In function all variables are indexed. Arguments has 0, 1 ... And local variables have next indices e.g. 2, 3 etc.

Wasm file anatomy (add module)

00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00  01 07 01 60 02 7f 7f 01
7f 03 02 01 00 07 07 01  03 61 64 64 00 00 0a 09
01 07 00 20 00 20 01 6a  0b
N of bytes value meaning
4 00 61 73 6d file signature (Magic bytes) "\0asm"
4 01 00 00 00 wasm version number
1 01 type header section
1 07 number of bytes with types
7 -> 01 60 02 7f 7f 01 7f
one type for function with 2 params and 1 output (all int)
1 03 function header section
1 02 number of bytes with function definition
2 -> 01 00
one function with type 0
1 07 export header section
1 07 number of bytes with export data
7 -> 01 03 61 64 64 00 00
one function name with length of 3 which corresponds to a function with index 0
..61 64 64.. name of exported function ("add")
1 0a code section
1 09 number of bytes with code
9 -> 01 07 00 20 00 20 01 6a 0b
one block with length of 7. function with index 0. get 0, get 0, add, end.

Wasm file anatomy (add2 module)

00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00  01 0c 02 60 02 7f 7f 01
7f 60 01 7f 01 7f 03 03  02 00 01 07 10 02 03 61
64 64 00 00 06 64 6f 75  62 6c 65 00 01 0a 11 02
07 00 20 00 20 01 6a 0b  07 00 20 00 20 00 6a 0b
N of bytes value meaning
4 00 61 73 6d file signature (Magic bytes) "\0asm"
4 01 00 00 00 wasm version number
1 01 type header section
1 0c number of bytes with types
12 -> 02 60 02 7f 7f 01 7f 60 01 7f 01 7f
two types for functions. 2 in 1 out. 1 in 1 out
1 03 function header section
1 03 number of bytes with function definition
3 -> 02 00 01
two functions with types 0 and 1
1 07 export header section
1 10 number of bytes with export data
16 -> 02 03 61 64 64 00 00 06 64 6f 75 62 6c 65 00 01
two function names with length of 3 and 6 which corresponds to functions with indices 0 and 1
..61 64 64.. name of exported function ("add\0")
646f75626c65 name of exported function ("double\0")
1 0a code section
1 11 number of bytes with code
17 -> 02 07 00 20 00 20 01 6a 0b 07 00 20 00 20 00 6a 0b
two blocks of code both with length of 7 bytes

Wasm file anatomy (fib module)

00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00  01 06 01 60 01 7f 01 7f
03 02 01 00 07 07 01 03  66 69 62 00 00 0a 2c 01
2a 01 02 7f 41 01 21 02  02 40 03 40 20 00 41 00
4c 0d 01 20 01 20 02 22  01 6a 21 02 20 00 41 01
6b 21 00 0c 00 0b 0b 20  02 0f 0b
N of bytes value meaning
4 00 61 73 6d file signature (Magic bytes) "\0asm"
4 01 00 00 00 wasm version number
1 01 type header section
1 06 number of bytes with types
6 -> 01 60 01 7f 01 7f
one type for functions. 1 in 1 out
1 03 function header section
1 02 number of bytes with function definition
2 -> 01 00
one function with type 0
1 07 export header section
1 07 number of bytes with export data
7 -> 01 03 66 69 62 00 00
one function name with length of 3 which corresponds to function with index 0
..66 69 62.. name of exported function ("fib\0")
1 0a code section
1 2c number of bytes with code
44 -> 01 2a 01 02 7f 41 01 21 02 02 40 03 40 20 00 41 00
4c 0d 01 20 01 20 02 22 01 6a 21 02 20 00 41 01
6b 21 00 0c 00 0b 0b 20 02 0f 0b
01 2a one block of code both with length of 42 bytes
01 how many kinds of types needs to be allocated for local variables
02 7f allocate two int
41 01 put 1 on a stack
21 02 set variable with index 2 to 1
02 40 start nested block of code
03 40 start nested block of code that repeats indefinetly
20 00 41 00 get first variable and put 0 on stack
4c compare them (x <= 0)
0d 01 break outer block if comparison was successful
20 01 20 02 get local 1 and local 2
22 01 local 1 = local 2
6a add $1 and $2
21 02 set sum to $2
20 00 get argument on stack
41 01 put 1 on stack
6b argument - 1
21 00 set new value for argument variable
0c 00 break from current block
0b 0b ends of blocks
20 02 get local 2
0f return
0b ends a block

Wasm file anatomy (popcnt module)

00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00  01 06 01 60 01 7d 01 7f
03 02 01 00 07 0a 01 06  70 6f 70 63 6e 74 00 00
0a 0c 01 0a 00 20 00 91  a8 41 01 6b 69 0b
N of bytes value meaning
4 00 61 73 6d file signature (Magic bytes) "\0asm"
4 01 00 00 00 wasm version number
1 01 type header section
1 06 number of bytes with types
6 -> 01 60 01 7d 01 7f
one type for functions. 1 f32 in 1 i32 out
1 03 function header section
1 02 number of bytes with function definition
2 -> 01 00
one function with type 0
1 07 export header section
1 0a number of bytes with export data
10 -> 01 06 70 6f 70 63 6e 74 00 00
one function name with length of 6 which corresponds to function with index 0
706f70636e74 name of exported function ("popcnt\0")
1 0a code section
1 0c number of bytes with code
12 -> 01 0a 00 20 00 91 a8 41 01 6b 69 0b
01 0a one block of code both with length of 10 bytes
00 how many kinds of types needs to be allocated for local variables
20 00 get argument on stack
91 f32.sqrt
a8 i32.trunc_f32_s
41 01 put 1 on a stack
6b result - 1
69 i32.popcnt
0b ends a block