
Send emails with Django template system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Info:Send emails using Django template system
Author: Artem Rizhov (https://github.com/artemrizhov)


This is a tiny wrapper around the standard EmailMessage class and send_mail() function. Just pass template_name and context as the first parameters then use as normal.



$ pip install django-mail-templated

And register the app in your settings file:



Write a template to send a plain text message. Note that first and last newline will be removed:

{% block subject %}
Hello {{ user.name }}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
This is a plain text message.
{% endblock %}

Or for an html message:

{% block subject %}
Hello {{ user.name }}
{% endblock %}

{% block html %}
This is an <strong>html</strong> message.
{% endblock %}

Or for a multipart message you can use both blocks:

{% block subject %}
Hello {{ user.name }}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
This is a plain text message.
{% endblock %}

{% block html %}
This is an <strong>html</strong> message.
{% endblock %}

Or leave out some block to set it manually later with EmailMessage class:

{% block body %}
This is a plain text message.
{% endblock %}

Now you can send it:

from mail_templated import send_mail
send_mail('email/hello.tpl', {'user': user}, from_email, [user.email])

Or if you wish to add more control over message creation then use the class form:

from mail_templated import EmailMessage
message = EmailMessage('email/hello.tpl', {'user': user}, to=[user.email])
# ... attach a file, etc

That's all. Please create an issue at GitHub if you have any notes, ...or just email :)