
💾 | Custom NixOS installer builds for faster initialization

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Kolyma's {Installer}

NixOS images created with Kolyma's specifications.

Top Used Language Release Test CI


When bootstrapping NixOS on a new server machine, using nixos-anywhere itself becomes a bit of a hassle. This repository aims to provide a simple way to create NixOS images with Kolyma's specifications whereas you may write images to attached usb sticks which will later be booted first upon failed main system boot.


  • Minimal NixOS installation
  • Ready ssh & root password


You can download the latest release from the releases page.

Burning the image

If you have physical access to your server machine, just use etcher. If you are using a remote server, you can use dd to write the image to a usb stick:

dd if=kolyma-installer-x86_64-linux.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Kolyma's {Installer}