- This is an Application Programming Interface for a todo-list built in django and django rest framework with python.
- todolist
- App containing django project settings and project configurations.
- api
- App containing all todo-list api logic.
- 👉🏿Click Me👈🏿 to get project installation instructions.
python 3.11.0
- Check the
- API Documentation with Swagger
- CRUD Functionality
- linting with Black
- Documentation with MKDOCS
After Installation and starting the server, visit the following URLs
Visit the browsable API at http://localhost:8000/api/v1/
Access the Django admin at http://localhost:8000/admin
Visit reDoc documentation http://localhost:8000/
Visit Swagger documentation http://localhost:8000/doc
mkdocs serve
- Start the live-reloading docs server.
- Click me to see postman collection
- Simply import this file into your postman to see the API documentation and usage information.
- Understand Git Flow
- Use Semantic Commit Messages