The repo for the official website of Envisage 2k23.
- Image Gallery
- Mobile Responsive Nav
- Lazy Loading Images
- Next.JS - The React Framework for the Web
- Tailwind CSS - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
- Headless UI - Unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
- Production-ready declarative animations.lightbox.js-react
- The all-in-one React lightbox.
To install the needed dependencies run
yarn install
To spin up dev server run
yarn dev
To build this project run
yarn build
- Aditya Seth - @AdityaSeth777
- Arghya Ghosh - @uiuxarghya
- Subhadeep Roy - @subhadeep3902
- Srijan Bhattacharya - @SrijanBhattacharyya
- Abhishikta Ray - @Abhishikta03
- Komal Agarwal - @komal-agarwal5
- Parna Ray Chowdhury - @ParnaRoyChowdhury777
- Shrutika Jha - @shrutika2603