
Primary LanguageJavaScript

The code contains two folders, the frontend folder deals with the UI and the apis are present in backend folder.


Frontend: Reactjs, Backend: Express Js and Database: MongoDB


  • Frontend is a react app. It contains a single compoent which contains the code logic.
  • The component state contains 20 points (in state variable points) at the beginning and as the game progress, it will add or subtract 1 from the given points. if the this.state.points equals 20 that means the user won the game else if the this.state.poitns equals 10 then that means the user lost the game.
  • To fetch the names from the backend, I used Axios calls. This call happens in the createQuestion() function in the component.
  • Reset and End game button are handled by separate functions handleReset() and handleEnd().


  • Backend is a expressjs app. It contains a single user router and single controller.


  • I used GenderApi to know the gender of the given firstName. The Api key is present in the config file.
  • To make use of this, i have included my own API key generated from the GenderApi_key site. if you have any other GenderApi_key you can use that. To change that, go the the config.js file in the root directory.


  • Models has a file user.js which has the schema for the user table. User table is a single column table(firstName).
  • All the name for fed into the database using a script present in the backend folder called script.js. To make use of the script file, go into the config file and change the script.


  • This app contains a single route user api. That api endpoint is a get api and calls the user.controllers.js controller


  • The user.controllers.js controller fetch data from the database and if the current record doesn't contain the gender it makes a api call and by using the GenderAPi method.


  • This file contains a utility function to get gender of the given name using GenderAPI node client.

How to run the code:

  • To run the frontend, go to the frontend folder and run the following command, cd frontend/ (from the root directory) npm install npm start

  • To run the backend, follow below steps, cd frontend/ (from the root directory) npm install npm start


  • Avoiding unnecessary api calls This is achieved by saving the gender when we make the api call to GenderApi for the first time.