
Apache DSO for checking a session stored in Memcached.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

= Mod_memc_sess

Mod_memc_sess is an Apache module designed to provide a simple access control which only checks the login sessions in Memcached.  The module retrieves the session key from the HTTP cookie and checks whether the session key is stored in Memcached.  If the session doesn't exist, the module forbids the HTTP request. 

== Software Dependencies

The module was built and tested on the following libraries:

- libapr1 - 1.3.8
- libapreq2 - 2.08
- apache2 (prefork MPM) - 2.2.12
- libmemcached - 0.31-1

This module doesn't work in multithread, so you can't use it with worker MPM.

== Instration

 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ sudo make install


 $ sudo apxs -i -c mod_memc_sess.c

And add the following directive to your httpd.conf to load the module.

 LoadModule memc_sess_module /path/to/mod_memc_sess.so

== Summary of Supported Directives

MemcSessServer host:port

- These are the hostname (or IP address) of the Memcached which stores sessions, and the TCP port number listend by the Memcashed.
MemcSessCookieName cookie_name

- The name of the session cookie. If you recieve the cookie "Cookie: foo_session_id=1234abcd5678", you should set "MemcSessCookieName foo_session_id".

MemcSessMemcKeyPrefix key_prefix

- This is optional. This key_prefix is used as a prefix of the keys which used to query Memcached. For example, if you set "MemcSessMemcKeyPrefix bar_session:" and the session key embedded in a cookie is "1234abcd5678", the key sent to Memcached is "bar_session:1234abcd5678".

== License

Mod_memc_sess is released under the MIT license.

== Author

Mitsunori Komatsu <komamitsu [at] gmail [dot] com>