- 2
bug and puzzles with gh60's kicad sch file
#28 opened by 243750496 - 1
- 1
Are the pads for overlapping LEDs correct?
#21 opened by komar007 - 1
lcol14 and gpio2 are shorted
#27 opened by komar007 - 1
Fix silkscreen
#8 opened by komar007 - 1
Position the reset switch
#24 opened by komar007 - 1
Fix ground pour
#25 opened by komar007 - 1
OSHW and GH60 logo
#3 opened by komar007 - 4
Choose reset switch
#10 opened by komar007 - 1
Some LEDs are missing
#23 opened by komar007 - 2
Isn't the USB connector too recessed?
#17 opened by komar007 - 1
Fix hole positions (again)
#19 opened by komar007 - 3
Choose USB connector
#9 opened by komar007 - 2
Fix resistor positions
#15 opened by komar007 - 1
Fill back layer with GND?
#18 opened by komar007 - 1
Prepare breakout for expansion boards
#16 opened by komar007 - 1
Move SMD diodes away from potential headers
#22 opened by komar007 - 2
Change drill sizes
#20 opened by komar007 - 4
Is the expansion connector correctly placed?
#6 opened by komar007 - 2
Add Fn leds
#13 opened by komar007 - 0
S692 has no led pads
#14 opened by komar007 - 1
Fix board dimensions
#5 opened by komar007 - 2
Fix USB socket position
#12 opened by komar007 - 3
Fix board position
#4 opened by komar007 - 1
Should we connect other LEDs to the controller?
#11 opened by komar007 - 1
#7 opened by komar007 - 1
Add LED pads
#2 opened by komar007 - 1
Unrotate switches
#1 opened by komar007