
LeanoCrypt Files encryption and decryption

Primary LanguageC


If you need a powerful tool to encrypt and decrypt files and databases, LeanoCrypt has been developed for you. This tool is developed based on Rijndael Encryption and decryption of files is done with a key phrase determined by the user It should be noted that LeanoCrypt hashes this key phrase with 256 bits, but the more complex key phrase, more secure it is. This tool is also used for internal encryption of Leanotek modems

LeanoCrypt Tasks List

  • Complete SQLite3 Encryption
  • Complete Autoconf
  • Network Packet Encryption
  • NPE Compatible with Terminator-Samurai

Build and Install

$ ./configure && make


simple usage encryption LeanoCrypt -e -K <key> <file>

simple usage decryption LeanoCrypt -d -K <key> <file>

for more options check LeanoCrypt -h