Script written for Thunar(Custom Action Option) & XFCE Desktop Environment, place it inside your /usr/bin/
user folder and call it from 'Custom Actions' Command Value field
from anywhere on your system(tested).
Linux Systems using XFCE Desktop Environment(tested) Ubuntu, kUbuntu, xUbuntu(my choice), Mint, Debian(the great dad of all), Elementary OS, Cent OS etc.
- Just copy the file into your
folder. - Go to Thunar aka. Default XFCE File Manager.
- Pick "Custom Action" menu & choose option ADD New action
- And now COPY your script to
or whatever folder you wanna save to so from Thunar with 1-Click and VOILA it renamed both video+subtitle file exactly the same but extension stays original for you by just selecting both of them and right-Click for a popup-menu chooser with action-commands that we customized and added to our File Manager in 2mins. so your TV is not gonna be as picky as usual like my Sony Vaio(basterd needs same fileName for both video+subv or never loads subs so I decided to do 50-60 lines of code and finish mycopy/paste
on a daily basis(God forbid Game of Thrones goes Season 8 !@#$%T^Y&) that wife and I did practice for a long time when Copy of 30 films onto USB Stick needs to have another 30 subs with exactly SameFileName just different Extension - or our and many more TV's I know at friends - not gonna load at all so practicly FILM/MOVIE/VIDEO & SUBTITLE MUST BE EXACTLY SAME NAME with their original extensions(avi, mp4, mkv, sub, srt, txt etc.). - In the
Thunar Custom Action MENU
at Name field - write(your Script Name will be shown as an OPTION from rightlClick Menu in Thunar) for example SUB & Film Rename or Rename Sub file as film or Movie-SUB renamer whatever you prefer, fill up the description as you like, and in "Command field enter the location where you stored the script you downloaded. for example I saved mine in/usr/bin/subrenamerScript.sh