
Senkrypt is a new encryption system made by me and takaso

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Senkrypt is a new encryption system made by me and takaso

Basic usage

disclosure: use "-" instead of the spaces to encrypt a word, don't use "<" or ">" as key

Encrypt a word:

python3 senkrypt.py -e oscuro -k key ==> 2a82ba2cc2602c02a8

Decrypt a word:

python3 senkrypt.py -d 2a82ba2cc2602c02a8 -k key ==> oscuro

Old encoding system

You can use senkrypt also without key, as encoding system

Encode a word: (without key)

python3 senkrypt.py -e sesso ==> 22b23f23f1f923f

Decode a word: (without key)

python3 senkrypt.py -d 22b23f23f1f923f ==> sesso


