
Converting Clojure data structures to Avro-compatible Java classes back and forth

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Clojure Avro Brigde for using with Kafka and Schema Registry


This library is designed specifically for converting Clojure data structures to Avro-compatible Java classes (not Avro binary format!) back and forth in order to be able to use Schema Registry's serializers with Kafka and Clojure.

Note, that this library is not an Avro-wrapper for Clojure: for this purpose you might want to use damballa/abracad or asmyczek/simple-avro


Add this to your favorite build file (project.clj or build.boot)

[io.thdr/kfk.avro-bridge "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]



  • All keys in Clojure maps are keywordized and kebab-cased.
  • Enums are keywordized and kebab-cased
  • When converting to Java objects, all keys and enums are snake_cased.


(ns test-avro
  (:require [thdr.kfk.avro-bridge.core :as avro]
            [cheshire.core :as json]))

(def schema (json/generate-string {:type "record",
                                   :name "user",
								   :fields [{:name "id" :type "int"}
                                             :name "full_name" :type "string"]}))

(def obj (avro/->java (parse-schema schema) 
                      {:id 1 :full-name "John Doe"})) 
;; => <GenericRecord ...>, which can be passed to KafkaAvroSerializer, for example
(avro/->clj obj) 
;; => {:id 1 :full-name "John Doe"}


Feel free to open an issue or PR


Copyright © 2016 Theodore Konukhov me@thdr.io

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.