Auto Tune Models - A multi-user, multi-data system for model selection and tuning.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ATM - Auto Tune Models

ATM is an open source software library under "The human data interaction project" at MIT. It is a distributed scalable AutoML system designed with ease of use in mind. ATM takes in data with pre-extracted feature vectors and labels (target column) in a simple CSV file format. It attempts to learn several classifiers (machine learning models to predict the label) in parallel. In the end, ATM returns a number of classifiers and the best classifier with a specified set of hyperparameters.

Current status

atm and the accompanying library btb are under active development (transitioning from an older system to a new one). In the next couple of weeks we intend to update its documentation, its testing infrastructure, provide APIs and establish a framework for the community to contribute. Stay tuned for updates. Meanwhile, if you have any questions or you would like to receive updates, **please email dailabmit@gmail.com. **


This section describes the quickest way to get started with ATM on a modern machine running Ubuntu Linux. We hope to have more in-depth guides in the future, but for now, you should be able to substitute commands for the package manager of your choice to get ATM up and running on most modern Unix-based systems.

  1. Clone the project.

       $ git clone https://github.com/hdi-project/atm.git /path/to/atm
       $ cd /path/to/atm
  2. Install a database.

    • for SQLite (simpler):
       $ sudo apt install sqlite3
    • for MySQL:
       $ sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client
  3. Install python dependencies.

    • python=2.7
       $ virtualenv venv
       $ . venv/bin/activate
       $ pip install -r requirements.txt

    This will also install btb, the core AutoML library in development under the HDI project, as an egg which will track changes to the git repository.

Quick Usage

Below we will give a quick tutorial of how to run atm on your desktop. We will use a featurized dataset, already saved in data/test/pollution_1.csv. This is one of the datasets available on openml.org. More details can be found here. In this problem the goal is predict mortality using the metrics associated with the air pollution. Below we show a snapshot of the csv file. The data has 15 features and the last column is the class label.

35 23 72 11.1 3.14 11 78.8 4281 3.5 50.7 14.4 8 10 39 57 1
44 29 74 10.4 3.21 9.8 81.6 4260 0.8 39.4 12.4 6 6 33 54 1
47 45 79 6.5 3.41 11.1 77.5 3125 27.1 50.2 20.6 18 8 24 56 1
43 35 77 7.6 3.44 9.6 84.6 6441 24.4 43.7 14.3 43 38 206 55 1
53 45 80 7.7 3.45 10.2 66.8 3325 38.5 43.1 25.5 30 32 72 54 1
43 30 74 10.9 3.23 12.1 83.9 4679 3.5 49.2 11.3 21 32 62 56 0
45 30 73 9.3 3.29 10.6 86 2140 5.3 40.4 10.5 6 4 4 56 0
.. .. .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .
.. .. .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .
.. .. .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .
37 31 75 8 3.26 11.9 78.4 4259 13.1 49.6 13.9 23 9 15 58 1
35 46 85 7.1 3.22 11.8 79.9 1441 14.8 51.2 16.1 1 1 1 54 0
  1. Create a datarun

      $ python atm/enter_data.py

    This command will create a Datarun. A Datarun in ATM is a single logical machine learning task. If you run the above command without any arguments, it will use the following default settings:

    • sqllite as the database
    • atm.db as the database name (more about what is collected in this database and what is it used for is described here
    • pollution_1.csv as the dataset for which classifiers are sought.
    • it will use the settings specified in run_config.yaml for btb (which is the tuning library)

    The command should produce a lot of output, the end of which looks something like this:

        ========== Summary ==========
        Training data: data/test/pollution_1.csv
        Test data: <None>
        Dataset ID: 1
        Frozen set selection strategy: uniform
        Parameter tuning strategy: gp_ei
        Budget: 100 (learner)
        Datarun ID: 1

    The most important piece of information is the datarun ID.

  2. Start a worker

       $ python atm/worker.py 

    This will start a process that computes learners (classifiers) and saves them to the model directory. The output should show which hyperparameters are being tested and the performance of each learner (the "judgment metric"), plus the best overall performance so far.

     Classifier type: classify_logreg
     Params chosen:
             C = 8904.06127554
             _scale = True
             fit_intercept = False
             penalty = l2
             tol = 4.60893080631
             dual = True
             class_weight = auto
     Judgment metric (f1): 0.536 +- 0.067
     Best so far (learner 21): 0.716 +- 0.035

    Occassionally the worker will throw an error when it can't learn a classifier due to erroneous settings. The errors are logged in the database. The worker however moves on to trying the next classifier.

You can break out of the worker with Ctrl+C and restart it with the same command; it will pick up right where it left off. You can also start multiple workers at the same time in different terminals to parallelize the work by calling the above command again. When all 100 learners in your budget have been computed, all workers will exit gracefully.

Customizing config settings, and running on your own data

ATM has the following features:

  • It allows users to simulataneously run the system for multiple datasets
  • Users can run on AWS or a cluster compute
  • It makes use of a variety of AutoML approaches for tuning and selection available in the accompanying library btb
  • It stores models, metrics and cross validated accuracy information about each classifier it learnt. There are a number of ways user can use the system and most of it is controlled through the three yaml files in conig/templates/. Our documentation will cover all these scenarios and settings.
  1. Running for your own dataset If you want to use the system for your own dataset, create a csv file similar to the example shown above. The format is:

    • Each column is a feature
    • Each row is a training example
    • The last column in the target column and is called class
    • The first row is the header row.
  2. Create copies of the sample configuration files, and edit them to add your settings.

    Saving configuration as YAML files is an easy way to save complicated setups or share them with team members. However, if you want, you can skip this step and specify all configuration parameters on the command line later.

    If you do want to use YAML config files, you should start with the templates provided in config/templates and modify them to suit your own needs.

       $ cp config/templates/*.yaml config/
       $ vim config/*.yaml

    run_config.yaml contains all the settings for a single Dataset and Datarun. Specify the train_path to point to your own dataset.

    sql_config.yaml contains the settings for the ModelHub SQL database. The default configuration will connect to (and create if necessary) a SQLite database called atm.db. If you are using a MySQL database, you will need to change it to something like this:

       dialect: mysql
       database: atm
       username: username
       password: password
       host: localhost
       port: 3306

    If you need to download data from an Amazon S3 bucket, you should update aws_config.yaml with your credentials.

  3. Create a datarun.

       $ python atm/enter_data.py --command --line --args

    This command will create a Datarun and a Dataset (if necessary) and store both in the ModelHub database. If you have specified everything in .yaml config files, you should call it like this:

       $ python atm/enter_data.py --sql-config config/sql_config.yaml \
       --aws-config config/aws_config.yaml \
       --run-config config/run_config.yaml

    Otherwise, the script will use the default configuration values (specified in atm/config.py), except where overridden by command line arguments. You can also use a mixture of config files and command line args; any command line arguments you specify will override the values found in config files.

  4. Start a worker, specifying your config files and the datarun(s) you'd like to compute on.

       $ python atm/worker.py --sql-config config/sql_config.yaml \
       --aws-config config/aws_config.yaml --dataruns 1

    This will start a process that computes learners and saves them to the model directory you configured. If you don't specify any dataruns, the worker will periodically check the ModelHub database for new dataruns, and compute learners for any it finds in order of priority. The output should show which hyperparameters are being tested and the performance of each learner (the "judgment metric"), plus the best overall performance so far.

     Classifier type: classify_logreg
     Params chosen:
             C = 8904.06127554
             _scale = True
             fit_intercept = False
             penalty = l2
             tol = 4.60893080631
             dual = True
             class_weight = auto
     Judgment metric (f1): 0.536 +- 0.067
     Best so far (learner 21): 0.716 +- 0.035

    And that's it! You can break out of the worker with Ctrl+C and restart it with the same command; it will pick up right where it left off. You can also start multiple workers at the same time in different terminals to parallelize the work. When all 100 learners in your budget have been computed, all workers will exit gracefully.

Related Projects


Featuretools is a python library for automated feature engineering. It can be used to prepare raw transactional and relational datasets for ATM. It is created and maintaned by Feature Labs and is also a part of the Human Data Interaction Project.