A scraper written in Go that fetches tweets from the public Twitter search. This does not require authentication.
Obrain the library using:
$ go get -u github.com/kompiuter/twitscrape
This library uses the publicly available Twitter Advanced Search to search for tweets, scrapes all tweets from the response and returns a slice of tweets.
Since this is a scraper, no authentication whatsoever is required. You can use it right out of the box!
Create a Scrape
struct and use its Tweets
method. You can specify an io.Writer
when creating the Scrape
struct to enable logging of info messages to that writer.
Leaving Info
empty means the scraper will not log any info messages.
scr := twitscrape.Scrape{Info: os.Stdout}
start, _ := time.Parse("01/02/2006", "11/10/2009")
until, _ := time.Parse("01/02/2006", "11/11/2009")
// fetch tweets between start and until dates, which contain hashtag #golang
tweets, err := scr.Tweets("#golang", start, until)
if err != nil {
// Handle err
fmt.Print(tweets[0].Permalink) // https://www.twitter.com/repeatedly/status/5603770675
See a complete example which writes tweets to an output file here.
You may use any query operator as a search parameter to refine your results.
For example:
tweets, err := scr.Tweets("#golang from:davecheney", start, until)
There are tests available that can be run in the root directory using:
go test
They test that correct output is returned when querying old tweets, relying on the premise that Twitter will never ammend or delete them. If they do, ¯\(ツ)/¯
- Return tweets using a chan
Feedback and pull requests are most welcome!