
a serverless service version of: https://github.com/komplexb/notifyer-electron

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this?

A cron job that calls an AWS Lambda function.

What does it do?

It sends a random inspirational quote twice a day.

Aren't there a million apps for that?

Maybe, but this one retrieves the quotes from my personal repository of notes stored in Microsoft OneNote.

How does it work?

Notifyer (1)

What's your stack?

The service depends on the Pushbullet API and MS Graph API node library which streamlines the development process. It was scaffolded with the Serverless NodeJS template and uses the following AWS services:

  • Lambda
  • EventBridge
  • DynamoDB
  • Parameter Store


Project Board on Github


Notifyer Documentation

Setup Git

Getting Started

  • npm i serverless@2 -g
  • npm i
  • Create a AWS credential profile called serverless
    • Open your credentials file code ~/.aws/credentials
    • If the file doesn't exist or the profile is empty, follow the instructions on how to Setup AWS Profile
  • create tmp/cache.json folder in the root folder

Try the Mac App

Download Notifyer for MacOS.