An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components
Pinned issues
- 18
#122 opened by aldhsu - 1
Nested yields
#130 opened by aldhsu - 12
Zeitwerk compatibility
#148 opened by aldhsu - 0
[Draft] How to migrate to ViewComponent
#170 opened by Spone - 6
Namespacing issues
#117 opened by stevschmid - 2
Future of Komponent
#169 opened by Spone - 0
Question - What is the proper way to organize subdomain-specific components ?
#168 opened by tdutreui - 1
- 2
- 0
Add nested components support in styleguide
#125 opened by Spone - 0
Ruby 2.7 compatibility
#161 opened by nicolas-brousse - 4
Use ActiveModel::Validations on components
#153 opened by nicolas-brousse - 1
- 0
bin/rails stats doesn't run anymore
#151 opened by nicolas-brousse - 1
Styleguide generator improvements
#152 opened by nicolas-brousse - 5
- 1
Support Webpacker 4
#137 opened by Spone - 1
2.3 release
#154 opened by nicolas-brousse - 2
komponent:install doesn't work with Rails 6
#149 opened by nicolas-brousse - 3
- 7
Komponent's view_renderer is leaking to Rails
#144 opened by robink - 9
Rails 6 - undefined method `view_renderer='
#133 opened by agungyuliaji - 1
Add tests against Rails edge?
#118 opened by Spone - 11
uninitialized constant ButtonComponent
#121 opened by nicolas-brousse - 1
Render a component without a partial
#138 opened by Spone - 2
Cut a new version?
#129 opened by bernardeli - 4
- 0
- 9
Style guide view
#94 opened by nicolas-brousse - 0
Create a file for (S)CSS variables on install
#88 opened by Spone - 0
Add static pages support to Styleguide
#114 opened by nicolas-brousse - 2
Component generator option to turn off semicolons
#115 opened by ukazap - 4
- 1
Generator to rename a component
#91 opened by Spone - 1
- 4
Problem with haml generated.
#103 opened by descovi - 6
how to import styles using an engine
#92 opened by Jbern16 - 7
- 2
Return values from component with yield
#93 opened by nicolas-brousse - 9
Component rendered twice
#83 opened by slecorvaisier - 4
Add an javascript index file in component
#80 opened by florentferry - 0
- 4
- 17
- 0
- 6
Generate scss files without sass-rails
#76 opened by Joralf - 0
Caching implementation
#77 opened by Spone - 0
- 3
Unable to use component helper
#75 opened by JoseMPena - 2