We built these scripts as part of a Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1055600601


You will have to prepare a Python environment to run these scripts.

First, if you want to use a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Then, to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


This script builds an index of all the transactions on an Ethereum network. This index is stored as a SQLite database.

If you are already running an Ethereum node, you can build this index as follows:

# Create tables in SQLite database
python index_transactions.py --ipc <path to geth data directory>/geth.ipc --init <path to db file>

# Index transactions
python index_transactions.py --ipc <path to geth data directory>/geth.ipc <path to db file>

The invocations we used on stream:

python index_transactions.py --ipc "$PWD/data/geth.ipc" --init lol.db
python index_transactions.py --ipc "$PWD/data/geth.ipc" lol.db


This script looks up information about an address on the blockchain and in a prepared transaction index (as created by the index_transactions.py script).

To run it:

python account_info.py --ipc <path to geth data directory>/geth.ipc --index <path to db file> <account address>

The invocation we used on stream:

python account_info.py --ipc "$PWD/data/geth.ipc" --index lol.db "0x2e337e0fb68f5e51ce9295e80bcd02273d7420c4"

Deploying smart contracts

This repository contains a sample smart contract (auction.vy), written in Vyper, along with a deployment script (deploy_auction.py) that you can use to deploy it to your private network.

The smart contract was taken from here: https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/smart-contracts/languages/

To get gas estimate for deployment:

python deploy_auction.py --ipc <path to your geth.ipc> -a <account to deploy from> --contract auction.vy <beneficiary address> <auction start timestamp> <auction end timestamp>

This will return a gas estimate:

Connecting to node over IPC socket: /home/zomglings/ethnet/data_2/geth.ipc
Estimated gas required: 229238

To publish the smart contract:

python deploy_auction.py --ipc <path to your geth.ipc> -a <account to deploy from> --contract auction.vy <beneficiary address> <auction start timestamp> <auction end timestamp> --gas 229238

Reporting on pending transactions

txpool_reports.py fires reports to Bugout every time a new transaction enters a node's transaction pool.

To run this reporter against a node, attach it to the IPC socket for that node as follows:

python txpool_reports.py --ipc ~/ethnet/data_0/geth.ipc <reporting client ID>