
Kotlin library to handle hexadecimal value representations

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


What is it?

KHex is a Kotlin multiplatform library to deal with hexadecimal encoding and decoding.

It was incubated as part of KEthereum but then extracted as it can be useful outside this context.

Get it

GitHub Packages

This library is available through GitHub Packages.

badge badge

In order to use it, first include the GitHub Packages maven repository inside your project build.gradle.kts file:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "komputing/KHex GitHub Packages"
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/komputing/KHex")
        credentials {
            username = "token"
            password = "\u0039\u0032\u0037\u0034\u0031\u0064\u0038\u0033\u0064\u0036\u0039\u0061\u0063\u0061\u0066\u0031\u0062\u0034\u0061\u0030\u0034\u0035\u0033\u0061\u0063\u0032\u0036\u0038\u0036\u0062\u0036\u0032\u0035\u0065\u0034\u0061\u0065\u0034\u0032\u0062"

When 'username' could be anything and 'password' is an encoded access token for public access.

JitPack (JVM only!)

This library is available on Jitpack. The current version is:


In order to use it, first include the Jitpack maven repository inside your project build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven { url="https://jitpack.io" }

Set it up

Include the modules inside your project:

dependencies {

Where <version> can be either a release or <branch>-SNAPSHOT such as master-SNAPHOT.

Available modules

Module Description
core Contains the core code
extensions Contains useful extension functions


As a function

You can use the functions contained inside this library in order to encode or decode any hexadecimal value.

// Encoding

val myByteValue = 31.toByte()

val myByteArrayValue = byteArrayOf(31, 32 , 33)

// Decoding

val myHexString = "0xaa12456789bb"

As extension functions

By including the extensions module, you will be able to access a list of extensions functions that can be useful when working with strings and byte arrays/lists.

// ByteArray
byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3).toHexString(prefix = "0x")
byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3).toNoPrefixHexString()

// List<Byte>
listOf(1.toByte(), 2.toByte()).toHexString(prefix = "0x")
listOf(1.toByte(), 2.toByte()).toNoPrefixHexString()

// StringHexString("0xaa12456789bb").hexToByteArray()
