Finatra-quill project template

Mainly taken from while adding quill db example code


you'll need flyway command-line

C:\Users\pkomsit.FOLIO-SEC\dev\scala\folio\finatra-quill-template>flyway -v
Flyway 4.0.3 by Boxfuse


update db config in

  • flyway.conf

then run below from command line

> flyway migrate //to create initial db schema
> sbt compile

to run server

sbt "thriftExampleServer/run"

to run test client

sbt "thriftExampleServer/test:runMain com.twitter.calculator.example.CalculatorClientExample"

to run unit test

> sbt test


  • flyway - database versioning and migration
  • finatra - framework for thrift server
    • guice - library for dependency injection
    • finagle - underlying RPC library used by finatra
  • quill - library to generate sql from case class at compile time
  • finagle-mysql - asynchronous mysql database connection library (kind of like jdbc, but it's asynchronous)
  • scrooge-sbt-plugin - sbt plugin to generate scala code from thrift

Useful Docs