
Primary LanguageMakefile


qp is a helper that makes installation for q more standardized and easier to use. The following are the features of qp

  • configure/make/make install to standardize installation of q
  • flags in configure with the optionality to set licenses as well as 64bit q
  • preset environment variables QHOME and QLIB
    • QHOME is the global install directory
    • QLIB is the user install directory
  • adds the qp namespace that allows easy loading and management of packages
  • qpm package to facilitate easy installation of additional q modules


  • To install 32bit only: ./configure && make && sudo make install
    • configure first checks to see if you have the necessary dependencies - if not it will tell you which ones to install
  • To install with 64bit: ./configure --license=/path/to/licence.lic --64bit=/path/to/64bit/binary && make && sudo make install
  • To install packages, do one of the following:
    • go to the directory of the package and run qpm.q install
    • installing from git (not completed): qpm.q install https://github.com/path/to/package.git
    • installing from qpm repository (not completed): qpm.q install packagename
  • To use packages, just start a q instance and type .qp.require "packagename"

Note: for now this is linux only


To install, run the following:

  1. git clone package
  2. cd qp
  3. ./configure
    • to install it in a non-default location, set the --prefix= argument
    • add --license=/ and --64bit=/ to add in 64 bit q to the installation
    • add --no32bit to NOT install the 32bit version
  4. make && make install If BOTH LIC and SIXFOUR are defined then the default q will be 64bit, otherwise it will use the 32bit installation


To run q, just type q into the console. qp will accept all arguments q has, and tries to make the experience as seamless as possible e.g.

>q -p 1234 -g 1

qp namespace

The qp namespace simplifies the loading of external packages and makes writing packages easier. These are the core features

  • load packages via .qp.require "PACKAGENAME"
    • The loading logic will try to find the package in current working directory, then $QLIB, then $HOME/q, and finally $QHOME. That is, more local packages will have priority over more global packages (current working directory over $QLIB, and $QLIB over $QHOME)
    • Packages loaded this way will be cached into .qp.cache. Once a package is cached it won't try to reload the package again, so if you want to manually reload you will need to flush the cache of that package name
  • load custom scripts via .qp.require "/PATH/TO/SCRIPT.q"
    • Loads the package at the path name
    • The script name will not be cached, so reloading via .qp.require is fine


  • add ability to auto-download dependencies to qpm.json
  • add direct download from git
  • add central repository