
The tool is refactoring object constant visibility. PSR-12 defined that visibility MUST be declared on all constants (PHP 7.1 or later).

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Run tests

Analyze of PHP file, it will suggest the recommended visibility on PSR-12 by modifying the constants directly.

4.3 Properties and Constants Visibility MUST be declared on all properties.

Visibility MUST be declared on all constants if your project PHP minimum version supports constant visibilities (PHP 7.1 or later).


The recommended access modifiers are public, private and protected.


  • Three kinds of public, protected, private can be given to public object constants automatically.
  • Only minimal changes are required, and all line breaks and spaces are preserved.
  • Supported files
    • Mixed classes with and without namespaces.
    • A mixture of constants with and without access modifiers.
    • Plain view files.
  • Not supported
    • Functions that can recover constants by string concatenation, such as eval() and constant().

Roughly pattern

Of course, we don't know if the constant reference is constructed by string concatenation using eval.


  • Constants are fetched by the unique class name other than self, parent, and static.


  • Constants are fetched by self, parent and static from inherit classes.
  • Constants are fetched by static from own classes.
  • Constants with the same name are declared in parent and children classes in the inherit relationship.


  • Constants that do not fit into any of the above patterns. Following example.
    • Constants declared in own class and are fetched only in own class by self.
    • Constants are seemed to not used from anywhere.


composer require komtaki/visibility-recommender


Execution config


require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Komtaki\VisibilityRecommender\Commands\RecommendConstVisibility;

// The directory or file name where the file you want to modify may be used.
$autoloadDirs = [__DIR__ . '/../tests/Fake/FixMe'];

// The directory or file name that you want to modify.
$targetDir = __DIR__ . '/../tests/Fake/FixMe';

// Convert
(new RecommendConstVisibility($autoloadDirs, $targetDir))->run();



 class Mail
    // not used
-    const STATUS_YET = 0;
+    private const STATUS_YET = 0;
    // used by command class
-    const STATUS_PROCESS = 1;
+    public const STATUS_PROCESS = 1;
    // not used
-    public const STATUS_DONE = 2;
+    private const STATUS_DONE = 2;
    // used by view
-    const STATUS_CANCEL = 99;
+    public const STATUS_CANCEL = 99;

 class MailCommand
-    const PROTECTED_USE_BY_SELF = true;
+    protected const PROTECTED_USE_BY_SELF = true;

-    const PROTECTED_USE_BY_CHILD = 200;
+    protected const PROTECTED_USE_BY_CHILD = 200;

+    protected const PROTECTED_USE_BY_GRAND_CHILD = true;

 class ExtendsMailCommand extends MailCommand
-    const PROTECTED_OVERRIDE = false;
+    protected const PROTECTED_OVERRIDE = false;

class NestExtendsMailCommand extends ExtendsMailCommand
-    const PROTECTED_OVERRIDE =true;
+    protected const PROTECTED_OVERRIDE =true;

Target file before execution

├── Mail.php
├── commands
│   ├── ExtendsMailCommand.php
│   ├── MailCommand.php
│   └── NestExtendsMailCommand.php
└── views
    └── index.php

class Mail
    // not used
    const STATUS_YET = 0;
    // used by command class
    const STATUS_PROCESS = 1;
    // not used
    public const STATUS_DONE = 2;
    // used by view
    const STATUS_CANCEL = 99;
class MailCommand
    const PROTECTED_USE_BY_SELF = true;

    const PROTECTED_USE_BY_CHILD = 200;


    public function run()
        echo Mail::STATUS_PROCESS;

    public function getStatus()
        return static::PROTECTED_USE_BY_SELF;
class ExtendsMailCommand extends MailCommand
    const PROTECTED_OVERRIDE = false;

    public function run()
        return self::PROTECTED_USE_BY_CHILD;
class NestExtendsMailCommand extends ExtendsMailCommand
    const PROTECTED_OVERRIDE =true;

    public function run()
        return self::PROTECTED_USE_BY_GRAND_CHILD;
<p><?php echo Mail::STATUS_CANCEL; ?></p>

Available Commands for development

composer test              // Run unit test
composer tests             // Test and quality checks
composer cs-fix            // Fix the coding style
composer phpstan           // Run phpstan
composer psalm             // Run psalm
composer run-script --list // List all commands