
Simple compiler and VM for a Haskell-inspired strict language

Primary LanguageKotlin

A simple compiler/interpreter.

The main flow:

graph TD
    A[String] -->|parser.Lexer| B[parser.Token sequence]
    B -->|parser.Parser| C[ast.ASTExpression]
    C -->|types.checker.TypeChecker| D[ast.ASTExpression]
    D -->|analyzer.Analyzer| E[core.CoreExpression]
    E -->|CoreExpression.assemble| F[asm.Instructions]
    F -->|asm.VM.run| G[Output]

Things to do:

  • non-generic type parameters for constructors
  • pattern matching against data types
    • rewrite if to pattern match
  • explicit type definitions
  • type aliases
  • type classes
  • newtype declarations
  • type declarations for stdlib