
A bot that polls /r/{subreddit}/new.json for changes and posts them to irc

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. git clone git@github.com:jesusabdullah/reddit-bot.git
  2. Edit the config.json
  3. Run npm start


09:57 -!- reddit-bot [~nodebot@] has joined #nodebombrange
09:57 < reddit-bot> ⬆⬇ 1 the "right way" made node.js rest application? submitted by saturation to node http://www.reddit.com/r/node/comments/17qxpt/the_right_way_made_nodejs_rest_application/
09:57 < reddit-bot> ⬆⬇ 6 Higgs, a Monitoring JIT for JavaScript &amp; Metacircular VM Layering submitted by agumonkey to programming https://air.mozilla.org/higgs-jit/
09:57 < reddit-bot> ⬆⬇ 5 Some interesting code I found in a Facebook XHR response. submitted by RyanOfReddit to javascript http://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/17rgk5/some_interesting_code_i_found_in_a_facebook_xhr/