- 0
- 1
The tool outputs de-formatted sources
#22 opened by KOLANICH - 0
#35 opened by theRealProHacker - 0
Generate borrowed parameters for functions
#34 opened by gabrielfior - 0
- 0
Quotes within strings are not escaped properly
#23 opened by KOLANICH - 0
Using pyrs with monkeytype for type inference
#32 opened by flip111 - 2
Enums are not properly converted
#31 opened by KOLANICH - 0
Destructuring assignments from a function return value must have square brackets, not round ones
#30 opened by KOLANICH - 0
__slots__ are not properly converted
#29 opened by KOLANICH - 0
- 0
Function docstrings are not properly converted
#27 opened by KOLANICH - 0
- 8
Writing a research paper on the subject
#10 opened by hegza - 6
PyPI conflict
#16 opened by jayvdb - 4
- 1
- 3
- 2 question
#7 opened - 1
Can it bootstrap?
#6 opened by zaoqi - 0
- 1
expected str instance, NoneType found while visiting a function call that passes None as an argument
#4 opened by db48x - 3