Quipuswap Core V2

The second version ot the Quipuswap DEX.

This version will support both TOKEN/TOKEN and TOKEN/TEZ pools, implement more essential view methods, flash loans, referral and QUIPU buyback fees, better mechanics for voting and baker rewards distribution, time-weighted average price for oracles etc.


  • Installed NodeJS (tested with NodeJS v15+);

  • Installed Yarn;

  • Installed node modules:

      yarn install


Compilation is splitted into a few steps.

To compile all contracts (without lambdas) run the next command:

  yarn compile

To just compile lambdas run the next command:

  yarn compile-lambdas

As well, you can separate compile lambdas for DexCore or Auction contracts. For this purpose run one of the next commands:

yarn compile-dex-core-lambdas
yarn compile-auction-lambdas

Also, you can pre compile TezStore contract separately (in .tz format, needed for deploying from the DexCore). For this purpose run the next command:

  yarn pre-compile

Full compilation of contracts and all lambdas can be done with the following command:

  yarn full-compile


To run all the tests execute the next command:

  yarn start-sandbox && yarn test


To deploy the contracts you should run the following command:

  yarn migrate

By default, the contracts will be deployed to the development network (in the Docker container).

Also, you can specify the network for deploying (possible networks: hangzhounet, idiazabalnet, mainnet):

  yarn migrate -n [network_name]

Or just execute one of this commands:

  yarn migrate-hangzhounet
  yarn migrate-idiazabalnet
  yarn migrate-mainnet